Today we are talking about ideas that can help with your kids ADHD.
9 Things that helped my son’s ADHD!
Having kids is one of the greatest blessings you can have in life. They bring so much joy, fun and excitement to your household but with that can also bring worries and stressors. My husband and I have been on quite a journey with our son’s ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) starting in elementary school. You name it, we’ve done it! Occupational therapy, tutoring, organizational skills lessons, eye strengthening exercises and the list goes on…A few years ago we really started digging in deep and doing our own research to try and connect the dots for his ADHD diagnosis. At the end of the day we were willing to do anything to help our son thrive in and out of school. I know so many Moms can relate to this want and need to help their child but just don’t know where to start. While I am not an expert in this field, I do have my own personal experiences to share and reflect on, that may help you on your journey.
1. Outside Play/Sunshine
The first step might seem so little and simple but it's a proven fact that outside sunshine and exercise can do wonders for your mood and your kids' moods. Not only are they soaking up vitamin D but they are getting exercise. Whether they are walking, running around, playing on the swings, jumping on the trampoline or riding their bike they are doing work to help calm down their nervous systems. Not to mention the social interaction with other kids is super important for ADHD brains and social skills. In return, when they go back inside to finish homework or reading they are more equipped to be able to sit down and focus on the task at hand!
2. Vitamins
Taking a daily multi vitamin. Making sure our kids are getting adequate vitamins and minerals in their diets are crucial for their brain. My son takes a daily multivitamin and a kids B12+D3 (per our child's doctor). The B12+D3 really helps him in the mornings with that boost of energy (in place of stimulant medications) to help him focus at school without the sugar crash. Of course, the best way is talk to your kids Pediatrician for guidance on what their exact routine should be. Side Note: We tried ADHD medications, but the side effects and risk factors were not right for our son, and we found that the supplements were a very effective treatment for him.
3. No Artificial Food Coloring
Cut out artificial food coloring. I know this is easier said than done and what kid doesn’t love a dang goldfish cracker? But, getting those chemicals out of his diet was an absolute game changer for us. It took us some time and it wasn’t overnight but he got used to it and has never complained since.
4. No Soda
Cut the soda drinking! We are not perfect on this and will still let our son on occasion have a soda, but we keep it in moderation. Soda is full of so much sugar and chemicals that we try to limit putting in his body. Plus, the sugar crash from soda is not fun for anyone, especially a kid who struggles to focus!
5. Sleep
Quality sleep! We all need rest and relaxation for our brains and bodies to recover from the day. Quality sleep sets us up for success the next day. I know us Mom’s need enough sleep to handle what’s to come the following day. It’s a win win for the whole family. We have found that 8 full hours is our sweet spot.
6. Screen Time
Screen time and video games! Yup, I said it, screen time, the most controversial topic these days! We learned quickly that the longer our son was on a screen the harder it was for him to get off and he would be so over stimulated once it was turned off. it would take him a long time to find his calm and focus. It was especially worse if it was close to bedtime. This is really something I think each kid is different with and I would encourage you to find the right amount of time that’s right for you and your child.
7. Gluten Free
Seventh on the list and certainly every kid's worst nightmare is cutting out the gluten! This one is a hard one for me to explain but I would encourage you to do your own research on this and see if it's something your family could benefit from. I myself have been gluten free (celiac disease) since I was 20 years old and don’t know any other way of life. Therefore, it was much easier for me to implement the diet into our lives. But I totally get that the idea of telling your kid they are going to be gluten free seems like a terrible task! Ha! If you have younger children, it's a good idea to start early because as a young adult that switch from gluten to gluten free is much trickier!
8. Check Breathing
Check their breathing. Are they mouth breathers? Snore? sleep disorders? Tire easily from exercise and have a hard time catching breath? Improper breathing can affect their brains and the ability to focus. We noticed our son was a major mouth breather and snored. We had switched Dentists, and our new health care provider asked us if we knew that our teenager was severely tongue tied? We in fact, did not know that but once we had all the evaluations done, a lot of his difficulties started to make sense.
9. Professional Evaluation
Consider asking your primary care providers or school psychologists to do an evaluation to see if your child qualifies for special education services. Having this done and coming up with a treatment plan was extremely helpful for us and our son. His school is better equipped to help him and we are at home as well. Pro Tip: If you don't feel comfortable going directly to a school counselor/psychologist just start the conversation with your child's teacher and they can help point you in the right direction.
I hope these tips were helpful and at the very least gave you a few things to consider implementing into your life. If you are looking for info on ADHD or ADD (attention deficit disorder) or symptoms of ADHD I would recommend the Mayo Clinic, American academy of pediatrics, your healthcare providers, mental health professionals or a Child Psychologist. You are your Child's biggest advocate! Click links below for favorite books on ADHD.
Kids ADHD Workbook
Smart But Scattered Book
Takes Charge of ADHD
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